Anything less is a lie

on Dec 17, 2013

“You are the son of a king.  You call the Mighty one, ‘Father.’”

God made a promise to me by the words of a wonderful Godly woman I call my grandmother, “The enemy is determined to sift you.”  Her gaze was unshaken, “He will not rest until you are destroyed.”

One of the greatest ways he has resolved to sift me is by the words of the person I was closest to and trusted the most.  It wasn’t enough to whisper the lies to me, he had to deceive another.  I was called untrustworthy, a liar, annoying, unloving, unkind, selfish, a child, weak, not good enough, not heavy enough, unattractive, thoughtless, ungodly, and a hypocrite.

I know they are lies.  Usually I can stand and resist them, eyes focused on my Father.  Yet, I look around from time to time, take my eyes off of the King, and I see the army rising up around me with unyielding intent to see me ruined.  I am overcome and feel my heart grow heavy.  It’s then that others who walk this life alongside me remind me who I am.  Now and again I receive emails like this one:

“You are not worthless.   You are not annoying.  You are a son of the KING. You were made in his image. You are not ugly.  You are attractive.  You do hear the Lord, very clearly. Stick with what he had told you and do not deviate from that. Do not settle for anything less than what a prince, a child of a King, deserves.”

My eyes fire back to the source and the army vanishes in the eyes of my God.  “You of such little faith.  Though you are faithless, I will remain faithful.”  At first glimpse, this is the tender look of a father, but there is a stern anger in his voice, “I am the master of galaxies and commander of the mightiest of armies.  I am the King of Kings.”  The doubts are utterly absurd when staring face to face with the one who contains the infinite.  To think such things about myself, the son of a King, is to say that imputed title of prince is something insignificant.  He has placed his name upon me.  By believing the lies, I belittle myself.  By demeaning myself I devalue the name of God; the name he placed upon me.  In efficacy, I declare the Ancient of Day to be unable to do what He promised.  By accepting the lie I acknowledge that the I AM is not God!  My father is jealous for his name.  He will protect it.  When I believe the lies, incite the very jealous nature of my Father.  Why would God not be offended that I condemn myself?  Why would he not defend his name?  To condemn myself, I condemn him!

I am the child of the Almighty!  I am bold, gifted, confident, capable, influential, unbreakable, righteous, holy, chosen, and given all authority which comes with the name of a mighty man of God, a Son, a Prince, a ruler of the coming kingdom, and an heir to the throne.  It is true because the Father has declared it so, written in Christ’s blood, sealed by the name and power of the Holy Spirit!

Anything less is a lie.