Oh how I wish life was black and white. For answers to be simple and truth to be clear would make life’s decisions easier to cope with. For when the truth and the right thing stand opposite the answers, there is no greater confusion. This is why I have to rest in you. This is why I can’t make such a final decision on my own. For I am standing in the grey.
There are parents that watch their children fail, not powerless to intervene, but choosing not to. The motivation to see them grow and to see them learn contains the urge to pull their child away. There are also parents who would see such a thing as unloving or uncaring, but there is no greater love than a parent who let’s their child fall for the ultimate good of the child. Only from failure and can a child’s rescue bring maturity.
You have asked me to become less. You have asked that I, if need be, become the enemy so that you alone can become the savior. You have ask that I do things that I do not want to do and say things I do not want to say. You have asked me to step aside for you to take the lead. You have asked me to give you room to work. How do I do that and yet show compassion?
The burden you have placed on me is heavy. What you ask of me is difficult.
…you have asked it of me still. Your will is the only will I long for. Give me strength that I may find you.
Jesus immediately spoke, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
“Lord, if it’s you, command me to come to you on the water!”
When the answers and the truth have cut their ties…
When the answers and the truth take different sides…
Will you still find me
Will you still see me through smoke
Who do you believe when you can’t get through
When everything you know seems so untrue
When I’m lost in a place that I thought I knew
Give me some way that I might find you
Taken from Needtobreathe – “Through Smoke”