Beyond our Realm

on Jul 25, 2014

“After traveling the stars, after watching suns die and their planets swallowed in the wake of their novae, after walking upon worlds where no man had set foot prior, and after shaping the galactic highways by which others may follow, I know that the answers of the heavens are not found out there. Because, in the inexplicable and unexplainable love that one man can have for another, I have discovered a thing which defies all reason and overcomes all chaos. This is not the answer of the heavens, but a marker lighting our way. For if such things exist that defy the very laws that govern our existence and fail time and time again to be adequately explained by the study of all things, then they must inherently transcend our realm and are only apparent to man during their brief intersections with us. By their nature, each of these must originate from beyond our scope of discovery, for our field of view is limited by the material machines we build to see the universe and the energy used to power them. We will never see what is outside our ability to see, nor will we be assured of their existence with the types of proof we are accustomed to. Yet things exist out there. Since our own existence is dependent on all things coming from something greater than reality as we know it, it is not beyond reason to acknowledge that there is a force beyond the realm of observation and experimentation and that that force is responsible for all that is.”


– Zerahiah, Annals of Power, Volume 47