The stars are not silent

on Dec 3, 2014

For all its vast plains, majestic mountain ranges, open valleys, winding rivers, and mighty oceans, the earth is a fragile oasis suspended in the blackness within a hostile expanse which it, by its very nature, is incompatible. With opened eyes and new discoveries, it becomes ever clearer that the world humanity has inhabited for eons is a stark enigma to an otherwise sterile universe. Look to the stars, not for your hope and not for your salvation. Do not gaze upon other worlds with the ambition and intent for them to be your future. Instead, when you see dimly through the lenses of our time, or tread softly on the surfaces of those other barren rocks, seek truth. Expect revelation. Listen to voices that echo across the heavens. Hear what they declare. For the stars are not silent and the cosmos is not quiet.