Waiting on Patience

on Jul 31, 2014

I looked down at those words, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness…” It may be years to me, but God is not late. Waiting is a joy when considered next to what I am waiting for. I am waiting on my King to fulfill a promise. It doesn’t matter if it takes a lifetime.  The reward will be worth all of the waiting a thousand times over.


“…instead he is patient with you…”


It was in that moment that it dawned on me. It is his patience that I wait upon. For he is giving someone time and he is giving them grace. Each delay is another chance for them to return to him. The next sentence reads, “[he is] not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”


My frustration at his delay is not just misinformed, it’s actually sinful. I am frustrated that God would delay my life to extend grace to another, as if my time is more valuable than his glory.


Father, what an affront my anger is to your patient love. What arrogance I have to think myself more deserving of grace than another. All who you have paid for deserve nothing beyond destruction, yet you paid the price in full for an unworthy bride. Forgive my unforgiving heart. Forgive my thoughtless words. Forgive my impatience.


For it is a joy to wait on your patient grace.


It is a joy to wait on you.